Abacus Information and Writing Piece
The abacus is the most ancient calculating device in the world. People from all over the globe still use the abacus today. Some of them even help individuals who are blind learn math. The abacus made for the blind is called the Cranmer Abacus. Of course, there is way more than one abacus.
One of the first was a flat stone covered with sand or dust. People moved the dust or sand to make changes which is how the counting board evolved into the abacus. This counting board was the precursor of the abacus. Most counting boards, however, deteriorated before being found.
The word abacus comes from the Greek word “abax” which means “flat surface.” The abacus includes a wooden frame, rods, and beads. It was used by the Babylonians around 300 B.C. A couple of centuries later, the suanpan, the Chinese version, came to be. Many people use different types of abacuses. Some use the Salamis Tablet, the oldest abacus ever found. It was named after the Greek island Salamis, where the tablet was found in 1846. Some people even use small abacuses which can fit into the palm of your hand!
Although the abacus’ actual inventor is unknown, it had been found that the Sumerians used the abacus in the third millennium B.C. That was the earliest time archaeologists found that people used the abacus. The Chinese were the first people to make the abacus we know today. There are many types of abacuses that the Japanese, Chinese, Romans, Greeks and Mesopotamians made. The calculator was actually inspired. by the abacus. The abacus made a huge impact on the world by changing how. basic calculations were made..