- Taken By ME For Science in 3rd Grade
-The two ways that biomes differ are that their characteristics are different. For example, the tropical rainforest is known to be wet and humid and the tundra is known to be cold and dry. The other way that biomes can differ is the place that they are in.
-The three factors that help determine the communities in an ecosystem are climate, soil, and organisms.
- Climate is important in determining what organisms live in an ecosystem because for example if you find a rattlesnake, you think it is from a hot, humid, or dry desert. It is because you mostly see rattlesnakes in deserts.
- Rainforests have a lot of plants and animals because rainforests are located in tropical regions and they receive a lot of sunlight. Since there is a lot of sunlight, there is a lot of energy in the rainforest
-The taiga covers the largest area of land than any other biome. It covers Russia, parts of Scandinavia, Canada, and Alaska. Taiga is mostly found in the northern parts of Earth. Its land is all above the equator.
-The main reason that scientists did not accept Alfred Wegener’s idea is because he did not know which forces could be strong enough to move the plates.
-Alfred Wegener’s types of evidence are on how the continents move. The shape of the continents show that they kind of fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Ancient artifacts that closely matched were found on eastern South America and western Africa. He also said that the similarities were impossible unless South america and Africa were first connected.
-When people found that the fossils that were the same were found in east South America and west Africa, there could have been no way that they swam to each other’s place. So, Wegener thought that a long time ago, they were once together. How does this happen, well heat from the core make convection current causing the earth to rip apart and seal together. When liquid is heated, the particles in the liquid move apart and move faster. It weighs less and floats above cool liquid. The rocks are so hot in the mantle that they flow very slowly. There were also trenches, long deep mountain ranges under the ocean.
-Wegener’s idea didn’t explain many other parts of the crust. The plate tectonics show why Earth’s main form appear as they do.
-My conclusion is that North America will become farther from Europe and that soon, the Atlantic Ocean will become the largest ocean on the planet.
-Trenches are long, narrow canyons in the ocean floor and ridges are a long row of towering mountains, also on the ocean floor.
- Seafloor spreading is found at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This is the plate boundary of the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate.
-Plate Tectonics are plates in the Lithosphere that keep colliding into each other. There are about 20 moving plates and when each plate meets, they form plate boundaries. It was more specific than Wegener’s idea of continental drift. He didn’t mention anything about many other parts of the Earth’s crust. Heat causes these continents to move. Magma rises and create convection currents that move fast and spread apart. This causes the continents to move slowly over millions of years. Magma again rises higher to fill the space up. The ocean floor and land make up the surface of these plates.
-I think huge valleys could form at this plate boundary because as the plates collide, they form mountain ranges like the Himalayas.
-The inner core is solid because it is much denser of all the rock above it.
-They only have theories for it because they have studied samples of the crust and you can’t take samples from the mantle and core.
-The crust is made up of combined materials, the mantle is mostly made up of oxygen, the outer core is made up of iron and smaller amounts of material and the inner core is mostly iron. The outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid.
-Tectonic Plates and a jigsaw puzzle are alike because they fit together. Because of all the tension in the eath, the lithospere keeps on moving.
-Organisms are sometimes connected through the resources they share like water.
-They are related because it shows the growth of animals from individuals ecosystems.
-One comparison is that they are animals, not people. Another comparison is that they don’t live in the same habitat as us.
-The five things you need to stay alive are water, sunlight, air, food and shelter. Earth is considered to have all the necessesities of life.
- The Earth provides living things with water by creating rain.
-The Earth provides with sunlight giving heat, light, and energy to practically everything.
-The Earth provides living things with air to breathe and thrive.
-Humans are able to grow food on the Earth with it’s rich soil.
- The Earth provides trees to produce wood and use them to shelter building.
-Brass is not a official recognized mineral IF naturally occuring crystals have a diverse structure and compound from other nickel alloys. Alloys are metals made by two or more metallic elements like brass that are very similar to other elements. Brass however is classified as a element that in chemical reality, it is a compound.
-24 percent of minerals are common.
-Talc, Gypsum, and Calcite can be scratched by flourite because all those minerals are softer than fluorite. That means that Talc can be scratched by a mineral harder than Talc.
-It can help you identify a mineral because when you don’t know what’s the name of the mineral, you can rub it on an unglazed ceramic tile to find it’s true color. That will help you to observe the mineral.
-Heated liquid particles move faster and spread apart so as a result, the hot liquids weigh more and float on top of cool liquid.
-The depth of the ocean at a specific point is 3,750 meters.
-Mosses and lichens are sometimes called pioneer plants because as the rocks break down, they are the first plants to grow. After that, soil begins to form.
-Topsoil has more organic matter than subsoil. That’s why subsoil is lighter in color than the topsoil.
-Humus and organic matter are related because the organic matter makes the humus in the eastern USA dark brown.
-They differ because the clay soils hold the water very well while the sandy soils hold them very poorly.