Living in these conditions of slavery is beyond excruciating and painful. Being in the control of a greedy devil while trying to escape to a place called freedom, would be almost impossible during that time. These innocent people would have achieved so much in life if they didn’t live their lives serving other people’s needs as if their owner was their child. Souls were broken, lives were lost, and hidden talents were nowhere to be seen. I believe field work and housework behaves like a circle. It is never ending with almost no way to escape. To get to freedom, a slave will have to sacrifice or erase many things such as their family. Drawing a new path to wonderful will be hard as well since not all the lines are straight. Some are bumpy and you will need something important, such as a family member, to make it straight and smooth. A family member acts like a ruler.
Many slaves were abused and tortured by their owners, who in the first place are not supposed to own another human being. You own and get to control how your body acts and behaves, not someone else. Slaves working in the field were often yelled at for small reasons that can be easily assessed. I believe slaves were degraded while working in the house because of their skin color and ethnicity. The children of the slave owners would inherit their parent’s way of acting towards black people and might even ridicule their maids around the house. I might find the loss of unconditional love and belonging challenging. There was probably no one to express feelings to, making me feel like someone hiding under a rock. I might turn to other slaves working around the house and fields for help and relation. We might create a plan to escape, even if it will deeply risk our lives.