The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe is a fantasy storybook for children by C.S. Lewis and was published in 1950. The story happened in London and is about four children who were sent away from their home during WW2 because of the air raids and they end up entering Narnia while playing a game of hiding and seek at a mansion where a professor and his 3 maids live in. Narnia is a magical world where all creatures talk like humans. The antagonist, the White Witch, always want to make Narnia all winter and never Christmas nor spring, to keep her evil powers.
C.S. Lewis wrote this book and all the other books in the series, The Chronicles of Narnia. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe is the second book of the series but is the first book he wrote. My favorite part of the book was when winter was ending and spring was starting. I think the author tried to tell us how a bad-hearted evil person can be changed into a kind person. The author also put little notes all over the book about his opinions in the story. I felt like its teaching us all to be brave and always let our imagination flow through our dreams. But in my opinion, the book did not do well with the story flow that much. I felt there was a bit disconnect of chapters from the part when Lucy goes into the wardrobe to when Edmund goes into the wardrobe.
I liked reading how the author described the Narnia. I think this is one of the best stories I’ve read so far. The book had a lot of details and it was easy to imagine each page as a scene in a movie. I especially liked the character, Lucy, because she is a very curious person like me.
The movie “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” was directed by Andrew Adamson. I watched the movie and I felt it is just as great as the book. I really liked the way the movie was started. In the book, there’s just a small line saying the children had been sent away during the war, so when you read the book it was hard to imagine the situation children were in at that time. I felt the movie did a wonderful job in showing children going through tough times which the book failed to do so. While watching the movie I really understood that children were going through really tough times in their lives.
A mild level of profanity is used in the movie. There was a scene of the Profesor smoking with a pipe. It didn’t feel that it was inappropriate for kids my age, but these kinds of scenes or dialogues may not be appropriate for very young kids to watch. I think filmmakers could have avoided it. The movie starts with violent bombing and big battle between the witch and Aslan’s armies. It was filled with sword fight violence. This may not be suitable for younger kids to watch it as well. Filmmakers might have thought those scenes needed to be shown that way to make the impact to the viewers. I felt PG may not be the correct rating. However, there are not other types of violence shown in the movie. Overall, the movie was very dramatic but cool. The wardrobe itself was so cool and the snowy Narnia was very well captured. The animals, especially the beavers and Aslan looked like real. The storyline presentation was well done and it flows along with the story, even though it went a little too fast than the actual story in the book. I also liked all the actors’ level of performance in the movie.
It’s a very hard decision to choose between the movie and the book. Still, I choose the movie because it had some scenes that the book didn’t have. Reading books is not a favorite of me and I like watching the movie of a book after I have read it. Overall, I think this is a very good story of adventure and faith. It tells us to be very brave and hopeful always. I learned to let my curiosity and imagination flow and you will get something out of that.