The Robo Flu — Silitron Bot to the rescue !

Fictional story connected to “The Efficiency of Silicon element(Si)”

4 min readJun 5, 2020
Photo by Wikipedia.

Once upon a time in future …..

It’s the year 3040, when humans have evolved into fully manufactured robots. Every single town on Earth was regularly invaded by aliens, who has a fair trading system with humans. When everyone thought life was pleasant, tragedy struck. During a usual day where the new wheels for the flying cars arrived, aliens brought something more than profit. They brought in what history now calls the Robo Flu, a computer virus that shuts down all parts of their brain CPU. Dreams were crushed, and the RoboHub lost all of its capabilities.

Back in the year 3000, Alum, one of the robots, had the special ability to replicate himself into hundreds of robots within a minute. The Robo Chief, Jardon , gave him the responsibilities to build an army to protect the “Robo Land”. But, the evil minded ‘Alum’ had a different plan altogether, to build the army to rule the Robo universe. One dark night, he tried to attack and kill the Robo chief , but unfortunately by the time he started attacking by replicating himself again, he was caught by the unbelievably intelligent Silitron bot. Silitron’s eye-catching Lip taser distracted Alum badly and Alum was forced to leave the Robo Land forever as per the Robo Chief order. Everyone almost forgot Alum by 3040 and he had become just a ‘spooky story’ for robo kids. A few years ago, some robots had seen him wandering in a far-away abandoned galaxy. No one imagined he would ever strike Robo land back heavily.

All these years, Alum was preparing himself to take his revenge against Robo Land and complete his mission of ruling over the universe. He first needed to build something to weaken the Robo army and bots in the Robo Land. He built his own army and taught them to be ‘evil’ like him. The initial tries to fight against the evil virus by sending out anti-virus filled fire-bots did not yield any results. Multiple failures one after another caused lots of strain on the Robo army as they ended up fighting day and night, but evil virus kept on spreading. The army slowly losing faith in their weapons. The Robo Chief called for the emergency meeting with Robo Health Advisories. They decided to identify the origin of the virus. They had no clue about Alum’s plan until the special lab results on the virus showed traces of Alum’s special DNA. The DNA proved that Alum was not a native of this town and he had a secret device that he was planning to use to wipe out the robo population. Alum just had no idea.

As the raging battle continued, Silitron Bot was losing battery and life was about to take a dark, but joyful twist as Silitron Bot took his tech power very seriously. Silitron Bot knew. Alum had a secret device to wipe out all of the robo population, so he hatched a plan. Using his clever computer that can read other robots’ code, he planned to sneak into Alum’s hidden dorm and steal his device. He would tweak the code up so that when he uses the device to kill people, he would actually cure them of the Roboflu. To make his plan more quirky, Silitron Bot would now use his power of quick beauty to disguise himself as a young Robo Girl every minute or so and then switch back up to his regular self. He decided to roll with his plan.

On the morning of the ultimate life changer, Silitron Bot told his crew what he’ll be doing. Silitron Bot has a lot of weapons including his lip taser and his volcano computer that can morph one robot into molten rock by the power of code and some acid. He got on his disguise and went off. As he zoomed through Droid Street, he avoided the terrible USB port fires that would morph him into molten rock himself. Finally, he got to Alums dorm that the police gave to him. He later found the secret device in his other house underground. He used his lipstick taser to open up the box, which contained not one, but two secret devices. He took both even though his battery was dangerously low for starters, and plugged it into his system. Within mere seconds, he was out of the dorm, out of his disguise, and at the tower where doom takes place. Alum, realizing his devices were gone. Battles were fought, lives were lost, and an ending was close by. Anyway, the ending was what everyone wanted. Alum was dead in the last few seconds of the battle due to being turned into molten rock forever with no escape. Water fully deactivated his systems ending his evil, but prosperous battery life. Siltron Bot used the device to cure all of the citizens from the dangerous Robo Flu.

Silitron bot emerged as “SUPER HERO” once again and he was rewarded with many medals by the Robo Chief. Silitron Bot in countless interviews decided not to say what the name of the device was, for a reason. It’s time to run again.

To Be Continued…..




Written by Ruhee

High School Student | TKS Alumni | Editor@studentsxstudents for students by students | Poet and Writer

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