‘Till I hear your voice again…

2 min readJul 25, 2020


From the moment I met you, I knew that infinite love was possible

There was never a time in my life when I thought there wasn’t hope

We were together for so long that it felt like we were immortal

It was the click of a pen that made the bed larger than usual

It was the many condolence letters and emails that made me believe in empathy and affection

It was the handsome face I saw across the breakfast table every morning that made me realize…. that souls do exist

Even though I felt painfully empty inside and out, it was the mug that you used to drink coffee with that gave all the memories back

I still saw the man I vowed to never leave outside in the backyard mowing the lawn so calmly and gracefully

I would look ahead in the kitchen to see a hardworking man trying to keep his family together… while the dishes were still full and dirty

I would feel him crawl up on the couch and sit with me while I watched a movie….like he did every night when he came home from work

What happened to you still seems like a blur as it made me feel more heartbroken than ever

Time became so much more valuable than it used to be as every moment with you counted the most

When you finally had to leave this Earth, I knew that you would find yourself in a peaceful heaven full of many more dreams to come

Those last “I love you’s” were the hardest but I knew that once God flourished my path and yours, you would be prouder than ever

Prouder and braver than a climber trying to reach the summit of Mount Everest

So speak darling, for your voice would be heard around the world…..

To all widows out there, stay strong and remember that you will never be forgotten




Written by Ruhee

High School Student | TKS Alumni | Editor@studentsxstudents for students by students | Poet and Writer

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